Subgenus Prunus: Saccharine Snack of Savannastan

"Our results indicate that the modern genus appeared ∼61 Myr in eastern Asia and that diversification of all major lineages may have been triggered by the global warming period of the early Eocene. In addition, our molecular dating estimates suggest that the crown clade that includes the temperate deciduous crop species is older than the … Continue reading Subgenus Prunus: Saccharine Snack of Savannastan

Oaks for Western North America

WESTERN OAK ECOLOGY Western North America is a stronghold for the great conifer trees which dominated the world’s forests long before the age of mammals. Here flowering “angiosperm” plants, more closely associated with the evolution of today’s animal life, still vie with the old guard for a place in the sun. Angiosperms have gained a … Continue reading Oaks for Western North America